
Verbum Sapienti sat est (A word to the wise suffices)

Location: Modi'in, Israel

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Like water from a leaky bucket...

So, once I thought I was definitely going to write a novel, just as soon as I had access to a computer with a word processor. Yet somehow now that I sit by a computer all day, I don't seem to have made any progress in that direction.

Also I was going to definitely write down some deep political thoughts and finally convince everyone that what I thought made sense, was right and it would be so clear that no-one would ever argue...but I don't seem to have managed to do that yet either.

In addition I was thinking that eventually I would learn a musical instrument and write some pretty cool rock music with really exceptionally clever lyrics you see a pattern forming here?

My high expectations seem to drip away like water from a leaky bucket.

Does everyone have such high expectations and low accomplishments? I was wondering if Bill Gates sits at home and thinks "Damn, what happened to all those plans I had for becoming president, and learning to play bass-guitar and smashing Tommy Brown's nose and writing a really funny Broadway musical?". Or if George Bush ever thinks "Yeah, president is nice, but I never did get to finish that book I was writing about baseball - maybe next year".

Nah - it's just me.

So the burning question is, will I be able to keep writing blog entries and keep this a going concern or is it going to be another flash- in-the-pan it-was-a-good-idea-at-the-time thing of mine?

Well, this sort of writing was exactly what I wanted to do (as a sideline) when I moved to Israel - I imagined I would send occasional letters back to England and they'd get a column in the Jewish Chronicle - Letters from Israel or something like that. Of course I never wrote a single one, and anything I say now is irrelevant to JC readers, but I still like the idea, so maybe I'll manage.

Anyway, if someone has a comment I'd be thrilled to read it - making this more of a conversation than a speech...

Monday, December 27, 2004

Some miscellaneous starting info

We (me, wife, kids) currently live in Ramat Beit Shemesh, but have recently bought an extremely expensive piece of paper which says we will one day own a place in Modi'in (Buchmann area). ETA at the new home is Summer 2006 but we might move to aclimatize this summer (2005).

I'm (let's use some Americanisms...) an English-Israeli, while my wife is an American-Israeli...

I work as a programmer - currently my main work is programming in Symbian C++ on various phones....actually I' better get back to that now.

Testing...tap, tap this thing on?

Hi there - it is I Kibi, finally getting 'round to opening my own blog.
We'll see how this turns out, but for now I'm staking my claim to this teeny corner of the internet.

I haven't yet decided what to make this blog about - it will probably start as a little mix of everything that I'm interested in - Judaism, Israel, politics, sf/f, computers, jokes, music and then go off into some weird tangent.

Expect the unexpected (or nothing at all if inspiration dries up....)